

Deze tekst is bedoeld voor Engels sprekende studenten en hierom in het Engels opgesteld. Selecteer de tekst om andere talen te kiezen. When you travel to another country for study or holiday, you might need some vaccinations. Please contact the GGD to make an appointment.

Deze tekst is bedoeld voor Engels sprekende studenten en hierom in het Engels opgesteld. 

Welcome to the Netherlands! You have come here to study for quite some time. We hope that you will enjoy a healthy stay. When you travel to another country for study or holiday, you might need some vaccinations. Please make your appointment online.


The GGD (Municipal Health Service) takes care of preventive healthcare. The following departments may be of use to you:

  • Travel vaccinations: if you are travelling from within the Netherlands, you may need vaccinations or malaria tablets before going abroad. You can make an appointment online. Did you receive vaccinations in the past? Please bring a summary with you to the GGD.
  • The STD (sexually transmitted diseases) clinic provides information about various STDs. You can make an appointment for an examination and treatment. Good treatments are available in the Netherlands. You can make an appointment by calling the number on this website. More information on the website

Maak nu een afspraak

Ga jij op reis? Zoek op deze GGD website welke vaccinaties je nodig hebt en welke maatregelen je verder kunt treffen.